www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/south-ossett-baptist-church-messy-church-tickets-891195729417 Welcome to South Ossett Baptist Church
We meet each Sunday morning at 10.30 a.m. All are welcome to attend our services. We are a small friendly community Church. Our services are informal. We welcome families, there is a play area for any children attending the services. There is more information about the church on the about page of our website. A Worship band usually leads the Worship on the second Sunday month and on other Sundays we use either CD's or DVDs. Cafe Christos Cafe Christos is back and you no longer need to book a ticket to come Cafe Christos anymore. For more information see the Childrens and Families page. |
Meet Our Team
Other organisations Church is involved with
Lifeboat community project
Leprosy Mission https://www.leprosymission.org.uk
Baptist Missionary Society https://www.bmsworldmission.org Care for the family https://www.careforthefamily.org.uk Caring for life https://www.caringforlife.co.uk Ossett Christians Together